Defra report highlights the importance accessible air quality information
25 March 2025
A new expert-led review has been published by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), featuring a number of recommendations on how the UK can make use of its world-class air quality monitoring tools to educate the public on the dangers of poor air quality.
Respiratory experts, charities, central government, and local authorities contributed to the Air Quality Information System (AQIS) review, noting how poor air quality is not only an environmental concern, but it also has major implications for at-risk groups. Increased public awareness of both the harmful effects of poor air quality and how air quality can be improved through accessible communication is deemed to be essential to further public knowledge and encourage pollution-reducing actions.
Key findings
Research underpinning this report was split across five distinct categories:
- Who needs to know about air quality and what do they need to know
- Accuracy and precision of air quality data and models
- Telling a meaningful story with data
- Effecting behaviour change
- Expanding reach
These five reviews, respectively, found:
- the groups deemed by government to be ‘at risk’ have not changed, although individuals in lower socioeconomic status groups were found to experience more frequent air pollution exposure;
- the data that the current UK air quality information is based on is sufficiently accurate and precise;
- the colour coding within the Daily Air Quality Index (DAQI) communicated alerts well, but may inhibit knowledge of long-term risks;
- there is little evidence to indicate that individuals currently alter their behaviour due to air quality information, but research revealed that at-risk groups were receptive to further education and increased visibility in social spaces; and
- excluded groups were often also the most impacted by air pollution and may be the most difficult to reach, but further school education on air quality may help increase reach by fostering enthusiasm in children, which then translates into social learning.
Current effectiveness
The report praised the UK’s technical capabilities, providing a strong foundation for improved air quality communications. The Air Quality Expert Group (AQEG) noted how the UK has a world-leading atmospheric emissions inventory which allows us to monitor air quality incredibly accurately – going above and beyond what is needed to meet regulatory reporting requirements.
Defra’s ability to produce annual estimates of ambient air pollution concentrations at resolutions as accurate as 1 x 1 km across the whole of the UK through its emissions inventory and the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN) allows the UK to accurately provide data to the public – for the past, present, and future.
The UK’s advanced technical capabilities and monitoring network means the data is readily available to be utilised across the entirety of the UK. However, the report highlights how, whilst the data collection is advanced, its usage is sub-optimal and can be improved.
Current issues
Data must be communicated clearly to the wider public for it to be acted upon. The report comments how, currently, public awareness of air quality is inhibited by a lack of accessibility, the unsuitability of some information that is shared, and a lack of understanding of the impact of poor air quality. These three key themes are further examined in the report.
The accessibility of air quality information review found that:
- The mobile-based air quality alert systems that currently exist report a low level of subscribers, indicating a lack of uptake.
- Poor user experience is reported with current alert systems; the information that is available is not accessible to non-specialists due to the difficulty of its utilisation and its non-user-friendly formatting.
- As current systems require opt-ins and sign-ups, barriers to entry and engagement are possible within the most targeted groups.
- Existing air quality information sources do not cater to the public in the way the information is communicated; high levels of data analysis and scientific knowledge are often required.
- Digitally excluded groups, which often include those most vulnerable to poor air quality, are currently unable to benefit from current air quality education.
- Current school curricula coverage of air quality’s causes and health effects is limited, inhibiting core knowledge.
- The forms of communication are currently limited to only the English language and can be difficult to understand due to complex scientific terminology.
- A lack of signposting from healthcare professionals for those with underlying health conditions limits their awareness of the impact of poor air quality on their health.
In assessing the suitability of the data, the review determined:
- County- and regional-specific data are valuable for broad oversights, but more behavioural changes may be possible if air pollution forecasts focus on more local regions.
- Health advice has progressed since the last DAQI review, so government-communicated clinical advice and management requires updating in some cases.
- The health advice paired with air pollution warnings is often too general and may cause unnecessary actions or caution – more specific advice would avoid inadvertent long-term harms and help communicate the risks associated with poor air quality.
- Inconsistent messaging and media reports of severe air pollution occurrences can impede trust.
- Current systems only present air pollution as a short-term hazard due to the way it is reported; long-term risks (such as annual exposure) are not communicated even though these are hazardous to health.
- At-risk individuals are given advice on how to change their behaviour through current pollution alert systems, but there is no public communication related to these alerts which educates the wider population on ways to reduce their polluting activities (although this is achieved through other, unrelated communications and campaigns).
The review also assessed the impact of current systems and communication methods, concluding:
- There is a lack of evidence of behaviour change with the current systems.
- Central and local government may not be the most suitable messenger for communicating air quality information, and wider dissemination may not be impactful and result in meaningful change if the messenger is not appropriate.
- Inconsistency in messaging lessens the impact of air quality education, such as only communicating short-term data but omitting long-term exposure trends, resulting in confusion and a lack of understanding.
- Technical jargon and data-heavy information that becomes unrelatable greatly reduces engagement and impact.
The report concludes with eleven recommendations, split up across five categories.
1. Air quality information providers should take an outcome-based approach to communicating air quality information, risk, and potential action.
The intended outcomes of air quality information should be considered – whether it is behaviour change, increased awareness and education, or government action. A wide range of experts (such as academic, health, communication, and charity) should be consulted so practical, actionable advice can be provided.
2. Air quality information should be accessible and recognisable, with consistent, expert-backed advice.
Information should be understandable, jargon-free, accessible across a variety of mediums, and not contradict itself. This will help improve public understanding of pollutants, their health impacts (especially to at-risk individuals), and educate the public on ways they can improve their local air quality.
3. Any additional benefits of improved air quality should also be communicated.
This can include environmental, personal, and societal benefits, such as:
- Health benefits for the public and for at-risk groups
- Environmental benefits from improved behaviours
- Wellbeing and mental health benefits from nature recovery
- Additional indoor air quality improvements
- Actions taken by national and local government, public bodies, and industries that improve air quality
- Easy-to-understand benefits for the NHS due to the reduced burden
4. Develop a communications strategy which demonstrates the actions government and other public bodies are taking, and the actions individuals can take to raise awareness of poor air quality.
The communications strategy should include:
- Materials at both a local and a national level
- Tailored communications for at-risk groups and their carers, as necessary
- Information available for groups that are often excluded, such as non-digital and seldom online audiences
- Communications designed for specific settings and locations (such as schools and areas that frequently experience high levels of air pollution), educating the public on the dangers and how they can act to reduce air pollution in their local area
- Work with relevant groups (such as non-governmental organisations, industry professionals, community groups, and local authorities)
- The effective use of existing platforms (social media, public health TV, radio advertisements, and TV weather reports)
- Appropriately used research findings
5. Upskill health care professionals to provide them with the knowledge and skills to provide appropriate, actionable health advice to the public and at-risk individuals.
This can be achieved through working with the appropriate professional bodies and continuing professional development. Keeping health care professionals up to date on the impacts of air pollution on certain groups (such as those with asthma) and informing them on ways to encourage action will enable proactive care.
6. Air quality information taught in schools should be strengthened.
This should include the sources, impacts, and actions individuals can take to help reduce air pollution.
7. Review suitable existing material that can be used by organisations to communicate air quality information.
Any new resources should be endorsed by trusted messengers which are appropriate for each stakeholder group.
Indices and advice
8. Keep the DAQI and relevant advice up to date with the latest scientific evidence.
This advice should improve the understanding of short-term exposure whilst also providing advice on how to reduce air pollution. Separate behavioural advice should still be provided for at-risk groups, and the DAQI should undergo regular updates, maintaining an informative, easy-to-understand approach.
9. Develop a statement appropriate for the public regarding the long-term impacts of poor air quality.
By communicating the impacts of long-term exposure, short-term effects can be understood too. Educating the public on how certain groups may have less ways to reduce their exposure will also highlight the impacts of long-term exposure.
10. Review, update, and expand the existing alerts system.
An alert system must be underpinned by strong public foundational knowledge, with at-risk groups also understanding how poor air quality directly impacts them. Investing in the DAQI means that the same key should be used in these alerts to avoid confusion, and the actions or advice should be feasibly achievable for the public. Much can be learnt from existing systems such as the Greater London Authority air quality alerts.
Review and evaluation
11. Emerging evidence and advice from expert groups should continue to influence air quality information and advice, and any changes that occur should be implemented.
Regularly reviewing the performance of new communications and implementing any findings from future research will ensure advice and approaches stay up to date. International research and systems can also be utilised to fit the UK’s needs, and the UK should also share its research to ensure efforts are not unnecessarily duplicated.
Communicating best practices in the solid fuel industry
The solid fuel industry also has an important role to play in improving the way the impacts of poor air quality is communicated. Manufacturers, organisations, and professionals can all use their expert knowledge to educate customers and stakeholders alike on the best ways to burn – explaining how a modern, efficient stove produces significantly less air pollution than an inefficient, aged appliance.
Woodsure, alongside our sister company HETAS, is committed to working towards a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable environment. Reducing air pollution and improving air quality is part of this mission, and we continuously work with all UK governments and devolved administrations, local authorities, and industry stakeholders to achieve this. Woodsure supports initiatives to improve the UK’s air quality, and we will continue our work to provide impartial, independent advice to policymakers, ensuring proposals are reasoned and informed.
With a solid fuel appliance, best practices can be followed from manufacture and installation, all the way to fuelling, maintenance, and everyday use.
The Woodsure Advice Hub also provides accessible advice to stove users, giving them the power to burn responsibly through frequently updated articles containing expert burning and safety advice.
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